Problem creating user dictionary. …(+) (+) Problem getting dictionary specification resource. DARSGCHO Dictionary is locked, can't add words. Problem reading strings resource. Options were not set. Problem reading strings resource. An unexpected error has occured. Locnum: This disk is write protected. This disk is locked. This file is locked. Out of disk space. Not enough memory to check this document: An io error occured. System error #: The disk filled up while saving the skipped words. Unable to remember the words that were skipped due to a system error: Do you want Works to remember which words were skipped for future use? dict ? Do you wish to use the document dictionary for Total number of errors found is: Total number of words scanned is: No guesses for There are too many words without a return: This Dictionary is incompatible with Works. Run Spell when a Dictionary is available. The Dictionary is in use. Please choose a different Dictionary. .dict MSWorksHymn Not enough memory to display Word Choices. bytes on the Word Choices document disk. To increase the speed you will need an additional Disk error. Word Choices table file was not created. made Word Choices table too large. Delete un-needed words. Trying to add Unable to obtain memory for Word Choices, feature disabled. Disk error while trying to read Word Choices. Select Skipped Words Locate Word Choices Locate Dictionary Select Document from Dictionary? Delete with all occurrences of Not enough memory to globally skip or replace any more words is too long a string. in the Dictionary. Can't find to the Dictionary? Do you wish to add Replace Suggestions Dictionary: is too long; truncating contains an invalid character and cannot be added. Running out of Memory. Exit as soon as possible. Disk is full, can't add more words to Dictionary.